My Works

Simple Socket | Android Library Link to heading

Simple Socket

I developed the ‘Simple Socket Android Library’ to address the communication needs of my company’s app, which required socket communication between multiple apps on different devices, enabling peer-to-peer (P2P) connections. Throughout this project, I gained valuable experience in maven publishing and the development of Android libraries.

Source Code

Convert Pulsay | Flutter Link to heading

Convert Pulsay

Convert Pulsay is an app designed to facilitate the conversion of sim card credit into money. In this project, I undertook a comprehensive overhaul, transforming the app from Android native to Flutter hybrid. This project held special significance as it involved enhancing my friend’s app, showcasing my skills in redesigning and rewriting to optimize the user experience.

Google Play Store

Otobagus | Flutter Link to heading

I collaborated with on the ‘Otobagus Mobile’ project, a versatile platform designed to facilitate various transactions for showrooms. These transactions include auctioning, buying, selling, pawning, and more, making it a comprehensive solution for showroom-related activities.

Tradisi Pencak Silat | Flutter Link to heading

I worked on Flutter mobile development for the ‘Tradisi Pencak Silat’ project with This app serves as a platform similar to Wikipedia but specifically dedicated to Indonesian martial art legacy, known as Pencak Silat. The app’s primary purpose is to promote Pencak Silat nationally, highlighting its cultural significance.

Crowdcycle | Flutter Link to heading


Crowdcycle is a unique platform that connects businesses, non-profit community organizations, worthy causes, and individuals in a cycle of giving and receiving. In this project, I contributed by adding new features and maintaining the server. My role encompassed not only working on the Flutter mobile app but also undertaking both back-end and front-end responsibilities. The back-end was developed using Strapi, and the front-end for the dashboard was created with React Native.

Google Play Store

Image To Text | Kotlin Android Native Link to heading

Image To Text

Image to Text is an android native project aimed at converting images into text content. For this project, I integrated third-party tools for image processing and text recognition to automate the extraction of text from images. This allowed for efficient and accurate conversion of visual data into editable text.

Google Play Store | Source Code

Huffman Coding Data Compression | C++ Link to heading

Huffman Coding Data Compression

The Huffman Coding Data Compression project was developed for my university lab’s second-semester app. This project delved into the topic of tree data structures, and it harnessed the Huffman Coding Algorithm for efficient data compression. I implemented the solution using the C++ and CMake for code compilation.

Source Code

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